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NITI Aayog

Explained: Why market pricing of natural gas may be good economics, bad politics


05 December, 2018

Explained: Why market pricing of natural gas may be good economics, bad politics

The central government’s think tank, Niti Aayog, is proposing to free the price of natural gas in a move aimed ......

Ayushman Bharat: Will Niti Aayog's new PPP model interest healthcare companies?


26 October, 2018

Ayushman Bharat: Will Niti Aayog's new PPP model interest healthcare companies?

Last week, the Niti Aayog suggested a new model to involve private companies in providing healthcare services as part of ......

Will a cap on margins push India's medical devices sector towards consolidation?


27 August, 2018

Will a cap on margins push India's medical devices sector towards consolidation?

The Indian medical devices industry could just be in for an overhaul, as a government move to cap trade margins ......